Gang Hu Delivered A Keynote Delivered at XVII Conference for Wind Engineering in Italy

Dr. Gang Hu Delivered A Keynote at XVII Conference for Wind Engineering in Italy

Dr. Gang Hu, the Secretary of HKWES, was invited to present a keynote at the XVII Conference for Wind Engineering on September 7, 2022. The conference, hosted by ANIV, the Italian Association for Wind Engineering, attracted numerous global experts and scholars in the field of wind engineering. During the conference, Dr. Gang Hu presented his research achievements in applying artificial intelligence technology in the field of wind engineering, under the title “AI-powered Wind Engineering“.

Dr. Gang Hu’s presentation covered five main aspects:

1) ML (Machine learning)-based wind effect fast assessment of 2D cylinders;

2) ML-based wind effect fast assessment of tall buildings;

3) DRL (Deep reinforcement learning)-based intelligent active flow control of bluff bodies;

4) SR (Super-resolution) reconstruction of wind flow and pressure field;

5) DL (Deep learning)-based tropical cyclone intensity and track estimation. The international scholars in attendance expressed high interest in Dr. Gang Hu’s research, asking questions and sharing their own views on the application of artificial intelligence technology in research.

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